Wednesday, September 28, 2022

AI Law on Employment Practices

Bias in AI has been an issue that has raised a lot of concerns. There have been instances where human bias has been carried over to AI algorithms and has impacted the decision-making process.  One area where it had an impact was in reviewing resumes and vetting out candidates.

In November 2021, New York City council passed a law on automated employment decision tools, which goes into effect from January 1st, 2023. The law prohibits the use of an automated employment decision tool to screen a candidate or employee for an employment decision unless:

  1. The tool has been the subject of a Bias Audit;
  2. The Bias Audit has been completed no more than one year before the use of the tool;
  3. A summary of the results of the most recent bias audit is made publicly available on the employer’s website before using the tool.

You can read more details about how this law applies here -

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

AI Predicting Labor Outcomes

AI research is focused on many areas. There is a lot of research going on in medical science. Many updates are coming out every week, and what caught my attention last week is from Mayo Clinic research. 

There is work in progress to predict in real-time whether someone in labor will experience a successful vaginal delivery with positive health outcomes for both the mother and baby.

There are labor charts that monitor the progress of labor, but they can miss many factors. This AI model is supposed to use a lot more data points. The algorithms were trained to take into account more than 700 variables related to labor and delivery.

More details and the news release is here - Mayo Clinic study shows successful labor outcomes in expectant mothers using AI - Mayo Clinic News Network

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

AI predicting cardiac arrests ten years in advance

AI and Cardiac Arrests
Many advancements are happening in the field of medical science using AI. I have shared some of them in earlier posts. One development that caught my attention recently is about researchers at Johns Hopkins University developing an AI approach they say can help predict if and when a person could die of cardiac arrest based on imaging scans of the heart. 

AI can analyze the scar tissue patterns that develop in the cardiac muscles over time due to heart disease. The AI could predict a person's risk up to ten years in advance. The research paper is published in Nature Cardiovascular Research.

If you are interested in more details, you can find them AI Cardiac arrests

Another related development from Mayo Clinic last year was AI spotting early-stage heart disease in routine EKG data. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Answering questions at your funeral

When a person dies, they leave behind memories for others. Some of them are good, and some may not be that great. We still read and learn about many people who lived centuries ago through history or writing. There is a natural acceptance that the person who died will not come back, and people move on after a period of grieving. One to three generations may know and talk about previous generations.

Now let us get to something new, which is related to AI. Using AI, there is a new way to have the dead person talk and answer questions. It is not some sorcery or speaking to spirits. The video is recorded in advance and used during memorial or funeral service. With the help of AI, the dead person will address the questions which people ask and will talk to people. An AI tool called StoryFile enabled funeral attendees to interact in a real conversation.

The technology creates the illusion of a real-time conversation. StoryFile made its services available in the UK recently, while the service has been open to US-based customers since early 2021. People have raised concerns about this technology, but I see this as an improved version of existing things. Once I saw a funeral in which a message spoken by the dead person during someone else funeral service was played. Everyone could see the deceased person preach at his funeral service. We continue to see videos and photos of people who have passed away. With the help of AI, the tool makes it more interactive, and there is no real conversation with the dead person.

It raises questions about how we view things once a person dies. Different religions and cultures have a different takes on this issue. It will depend on a person's worldview regarding how they will react to such technological developments. Some will say let us leave the dead in peace and have memories. It can torment some to be repeatedly exposed to the deceased person through video or interactive technology. It can create phycological issues and make someone think the person is not dead. It can create pain and develop different challenges.  

As AI progress, I am expecting more tools to come that will raise a lot of questions like this. In many cases, your worldview and how you view life will influence how you view and react to these things. For now, do not be surprised if you go to a memorial or funeral service and see the dead person come and answer your questions. It is just a technology behind the scene. Humans have not reached the point where they can bring back the dead to talk in reality. 

Some links for more details. 

Gravitas: Dead woman 'addresses' mourners at her own memorial service

Dead woman talks to 'shocked' mourners at her own funeral — using AI

Justin Bieber’s AI-Generated Song Holy Jesus

Can AI be inspired? I have raised this question from the beginning, and it was one of the questions I raised in my doctoral thesis.     It i...